Sailboat Illustration


Crew Management

We specialize in

Finding, recruiting, training, and supporting

our crews, ensuring they embrace their commitment and responsibility with dedication.

We offer trained crews for charter boats in the British Virgin Islands and the Caribbean.

Green Check

International Cuisine

Green Check

Onboard Safety

Green Check


Green Check

International Cocktail

Green Check

Cost Control

Green Check


Green Check

Host Service

Green Check


Green Check


Green Check

Higth standards

Green Check


Green Check


Green Check


Green Check


Green Check

Refrigeration systems

Our service includes

Green Check
Green Check
Green Check
Green Check

Initial setup of the catamaran (according to industry standards)

Presentation at Charter Shows

Total charter management

Complete boat maintenance

We support our crews during the setup, familiarization with the boat,

and throughout their stay to create solutions together for any challenge.

About us

We are Santi & Luli. For the past 3 years, we have managed the complete purchase of the NEMO Catamaran and its business, knowing every detail of the industry.

Our charters have a 100% satisfaction rate and industry recognition for our work. (you can check out our reviews here)

Now, we have created Patagonia Crew Management to find, recruit, train, and accompany our crews to achieve the highest standards required by the industry.

Less Than Symbol

"Always do your best.

What you plant now, you will harvest later."

Og Mandino

Contact us

Do you need a crew for your catamaran? Get in touch with us!

Sailboat Illustration


Crew Management